GD&T Training Options

Virtual training vs. In-person training?

Posted by on Feb 3, 2021 in GD&T Training Options, Uncategorized

There’s no debate that things were shaken up by COVID in 2020. And certainly in the training world, adjustments had to be made! While online training has been around for many years (I’ve been doing some form of online training for 20 years), the option of virtual, live training became the norm in 2020. Now that things are somewhat back on track, the question we hear is if traditional, in-person training is still better. The short answer is yes, it is better for a number of reasons — the biggest reason is that it’s simply more effective. When using Zoom, WebEx, Teams (insert your favorite meeting platform here), there is an unavoidable detachment that creeps in, even if the participants are super-excited to hear about the topic! And as an instructor, I can’t read the body language of participants, so it’s harder to draw into the discussion those who might be a little more shy. So I suspect that very few people will disagree with me that a traditional-style class is still the best. But there is still a place for virtual training (and we continue to offer that option if a client really prefers that) because it can be more convenient and is often less expensive. Plus, your...

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Customized GD&T seminars – Bring your own drawings for maximum benefit

Posted by on May 27, 2009 in GD&T Training Options

Now that the new standard has been released, the demand for training is up!  And while many people simply want to know about the items that were changed or added, each training session is a chance to help folks refresh their memories about the basics of geometric tolerancing. You’d be surprised how many people who have been around GD&T for years tell us after a class that they have never really understood the difference between bonus and shift tolerance (that’s where the MMC modifier is placed after a number or after a datum letter, respectively).  Or perhaps they’ve forgotten that a pattern of holes can be called out as a datum feature, rather than just one hole.  Some folks are also interested in special considerations that must be taken into account for flexible parts.  These are all things that are covered in our GD&T classes. But a key benefit of any “on-site” training is that it can be customized to suit your needs! Our on-site seminars can: –be scheduled at your convenience –allow everyone to hear the same message –allow participants to ask specific questions to an instructor in person –expand on topics that are pertinent to your designs, and lessen the focus on others –incorporate your drawings into...

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Scheduling a Class When the Economy Isn’t Cooperating

Posted by on Feb 10, 2009 in GD&T Training Options

OK — everyone else is writing about the present economy, so I guess we should look at how it affects the training industry. I’d like to resurrect an old blog entry (about a year ago) but tweak it a little to give you all some ideas on how to sell your managers on getting people trained, even when the budgets are tight. When approaching your managers for approval on hosting a GD&T class, one form of resistance that you may get is: “We don’t have time.”  This is the most common roadblock. There are always hot projects that can’t wait, especially in the world of engineering and design. But if your company considers training valuable, they should help you make time for it. To minimize the time away from your usual job duties, ask the trainer if the schedule can be broken apart. For our GD&T classes, I am willing to teach a few half-days that are spaced apart. Simply ask for this option, or see if the trainer offers a condensed version of the training. Of course, the latest version of this is “We don’t have the money.”  First, emphasize that in these tight times, only the cutting-edge engineering groups will survive. And knowledge of GD&T is essential...

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3 Reasons for On-Site GD&T Training

Posted by on Sep 22, 2008 in GD&T Training Options

Three reasons for on-site GD&T training — Why a hands-on, tailored approach is better for your team…  1 — An on-site GD&T class can be customized to suit the needs of your group. If they are immersed in GD&T regularly, we can spend less time on the introductory material and jump into the issues that are most relevant to the team. However, the basics cannot be completely avoided, because we need to make sure that everyone is on the same page for the essentials.  But overall, there is more “bang for the buck” when the class is custom-fitted to the GD&T topics that are applicable to your products. 2 — Another advantage to having an on-site class is that your actual prints can be incorporated into the discussion. At a “public” GD&T class we can’t do that because everyone comes from different companies; there are time limitations, and sometimes confidentiality issues of displaying a print for the entire group to see.  But a special on-site class for your team makes the GD&T relate directly to the “real world” because the instructor can help you sort out real tolerancing issues on the spot. A video or web-based course can’t do that. 3 — Contrary to what you might think, the...

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Inch vs. Metric

Posted by on Jul 12, 2008 in GD&T Training Options

When it comes to GD&T training, I am often asked which units of measurement are preferred. The answer: It doesn’t really matter! The GD&T system works the same using inches or millimeters; the only thing that changes is the number.The technical standard ASME Y14.5M-1994 uses SI units (millimeters). Paragraph 1.1.2 phrases it this way: “The International System of Units (SI) is featured in this standard because SI units are expected to supersede United States (U.S.) customary units specified on engineering drawings. Customary units could equally well have been used without prejudice to the principles established.”This may be humorous to those companies that have always used inches and continue to do so. (Weren’t we all told back in the late 1970s that everything would soon be metric?) The millimeter is widely used by countries besides the United States, and within the U.S. many industries have made the complete changeover to metric (including the automotive industry). But other industries, such as the aircraft industry, continue to use inches, as do smaller suppliers and machine shops.Obviously, dimensions and tolerances given in one system can be easily converted to the other, but several things need to be addressed when doing this. First, keep in mind that rounding error may occur. Second, there are...

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What Is the Best Time for GD&T Training?

Posted by on Apr 2, 2008 in GD&T Training Options

Colleagues and friends often ask me what the busiest time of the year is for a technical training company. After teaching GD&T full time for nearly 15 years, I can honestly say that there is no specific cycle that shows up regularly.  Of course, training is rarely scheduled at the very end of the year (Christmas holiday, and a busy time in general). But sometimes November and the first part of December are very busy, because a company or department may have to use up budgeted training dollars before the end of the year. And you might think that the summer months are not popular for training, but they usually are, as long as it is scheduled far enough in advance. (I soon discovered that those companies in areas where hunting is popular usually avoid scheduling seminars during those times in the fall when many employees may be perched in a tree!) This is not to say that every month is busy — like any industry, we feel ups and downs. But from year to year, those ups and downs are rarely in a repeatable pattern. It’s a funny thing; obviously the economy drives much of it. But a slow time in the economy can sometimes be an ideal...

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